Creating Sound Assets 2

From the list of sounds required, I decided to first ceate the sound of a “moonjump”. I was confused by this being a required sound, as our game is set on a fictional planet in space, not the moon. I did not want to conform to the conventions of scientific space, where I would assume moonjumops make little to no sound due to the gravity of the moon and how that changes human movement.

I started creating the sound of these “moonjumps” using the sound of me jumping on rocks that we recorded in the foley studio as a group.

I started off by layering the initial “jumping” sound at varying speed and pitches, to create an alien-like sound that sound like it has been affected by a different effect of gravity than on earth. At this point, I decided I wanted to make a sequence of multiple steps, just dropping out some of these layers for some of the steps and manipulated the levels of them for each step, in order to make it sound more realistic that the player is jumping on this unkown planet.

I then moved onto creating the “button sounds”. The button sounds we recorded in the foley studio were very “clicky” in my opinion. Although this is obviously realistic to the sound a button actually makes, I felt it did not fit the theme of the game. I decided to repurpose one of the layers from the moonjump sound I made, and use synthesis to create a more melodic button sound. I then pitched the synth at different pitches, so that each sound could be used for a different button.

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