Impressionist art was created in the early 1860’s, this art approach was founded by Claude Monet. Impressionist artists paint nature in a realistic way, instead of using a studio and its lighting, impressionists found that they were able to capture capture natural landscapes by working in front of their subjects using natural lighting.
Impressionists rejected the “fine art” movement and rebelled against what would have been in their time the classic way of creating art and the standard subject matter. They wanted their work to reflect modernity and the world that they lived in, they specifically focused on lighting and how it could capture a moment and the use of varying colours to create a more natural definition instead of the traditional black lines. This form of art is still used by artists today and the inspiration for many of today’s works.
Expressionists art incorporates the artists image of reality with their feelings and ideas. Because of this their artwork tends to use strong brush strokes which tend to be highly textured. The use of colour can be quite intense, this is all dependent on the artists feelings and emotions at the time.
Thinking about radio art, I can imagine something such as a spoken word poem being impressionist whilst perhaps a drama piece using strong sound effects would be expressionist. I would like to experiment with both of these approaches before deciding what my stance is in regards to which I prefer.