Graphic Scores in Practice: “Pi Chart Rivvum”

Oftentimes with my friends, we make music. So on Saturday evening when my friends were over, I though it would be the perfect time to experiment with a graphic score I had created:

How the piece would be played is pretty self explanatory; only the notes Db, Eb, Gb, Ab and Bb could be used, it was made to be played by three people, and needed percussion. The rest of the pi chart was created with my friends, and was more just an illustration of the feel of the piece we were creating. Although this gave us pointers as to what to play, I feel as though this is something that could have been easily discussed beforehand. We Improvised on the MIDI keyboard using Logic stock instruments.

I believe that, had we used acoustic instruments and recorded live, we would have thought about the score a bit more instead of just “going with the flow”. I am going to use this base of improvised music based on the graphic score to start my piece, however, will use other techniques discussed using seminars to complete it.

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