Considering the work we create will be broadcasted on Resonance FM, I thought It’d be pretty helpful to gage an understanding of what kinds of works this radio station hosts. Self described as “the world’s first radio art station”, Resonance offers a vast range of shows unique to this station, including non-English programmes aimed at marginalised communities. Resonance strives, and proves, to be inclusive, and to me, is a gateway for knowledge on niche topics. Resonance not only entertains, but educates.
Founded in 1998 as a temporary project on the Southbank, Resonance FM gained popularity from its difference from other radio stations. Being brought back in 2002, then moved to its current location in Borough High Street in 2007, Resonance has gained its prominence through not only its “Programmer of the Year” award to Ed Baxter (programme controller) and its nomination, but also through its shows that no other station offers.
Overall, I am inspired by Resonance through its creativity and freedom of what you can broadcast. Taking this on board, I would like to take my research from my previous posts and accomodate that to Resonance’s standards for my piece.