Tag Archives: Kubisch

Creating Sonic Realities: Field Recordings and Concrete Sounds

Ether microphones work by picking up vibrations from objects and surfaces, which are then converted to sound. This means that using an ether microphone, one is able to listen to sounds of electronic signals, radio, and even conversations. So it can be used to eavesdrop, or, on the beautiful flip side, create sound works and art in unconventional ways, ways that incorporate our everyday lives.

That’s exactly what Christina Kubisch did, with her sound work, Electrical Walks. Starting in 2003, Kubisch introduced her project to urban landscapes, presenting visitors with headphones that trace the electro-magnetic fields os the setting which they are used in. By moving and taking your personal journey, you become the director of what you perceive in this sound piece when taking part in an Electrical Walk. Here is a demonstration of what participating in an Electrical Walk would look like:

When watching this video, I question; are we subconciously intaking these unsettling frequencies and vibrations? Is that why we, particuarly those of us living within cities, feel so fatigued all the time, why our minds never stop racing?

Regardless, Kubisch’s walks prove a beautiful point; you don’t need technical ability to be involved in creating sound art 🙂